An Unlikely Helper

By Mia Smith and Lemmy Dalano, SF Kenya The soft sound of a broom being swept across the floor accompanied the looks of wonderment cast in that direction. A few weeks earlier no one would have guessed Joseph would be the one with broom in hand, aiding and encouraging...

Provision to Play

By Lindsay Geverink, SF Perú “We need to pray big and expectantly! Let’s pray to get the use of the stadium for free!” What better way to begin your sports ministry than to trust God to move in His mighty way and undeniably make His name known? With prayer as a...

A Light in the Darkness

By Ishaya Inuwa, SF Nigeria “… and the darkness could not comprehend it.” John 1:5 The history of northern Nigeria today is characterized by violence resulting from insurgencies. Life is full of uncertainties within this region, and so people are...