Young Retirees Find New Ministry in Soccer Coaching

Dec 17, 2024 | Sports Friends Canada

In Waterloo, Ontario, Gary and Jo-Anne, a “young” retired couple, have embarked on a new career as soccer coaches.

Every Tuesday evening from early June to late August, they train neighborhood kids on their church grounds with the help of volunteers. On Wednesdays, they extend their coaching to a Kitchener church that has been running a weekly summer soccer ministry for years but needed more coaches.

Their ministry has successfully engaged entire families – reaching 85-90 young people and their parents. For Gary and Jo-Anne, the highlight of the summer was that only three of the 60 kids attending the Tuesday sessions were directly connected to their church. The rest were neighbors, some of whom simply jumped their backyard fences to join the soccer field!

The story doesn’t end there. The church is now offering English classes to parents who want to improve their language skills for better community integration. This will be followed by an Alpha course for those interested. From the ball to the Bible, their ministry is making a significant impact.

Moreover, their dedication has inspired many church members to volunteer according to their strengths and skills. Not all volunteers need to coach; some serve as greeters, safeguarders, or snack providers.

It’s a beautiful example of the body of Christ working together to fulfil the mandate to make disciples!

By Charles Millette, Sports Friends Canada

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