By Solomon Pam, SF Nigeria
A long walk of obedience with God can be challenging, but is also very rewarding!
Discipling young people is often a part of that long walk of obedience. Discipleship takes time, energy, and a steady commitment of patience. And even in the midst of unrest in Nigeria, we still see God changing the lives of young people through the obedience of their coaches!
Paul Joseph is one example of a life transformed.
Paul Joseph Coaching Basketball
Paul Joseph was living a free and careless lifestyle prior to now. Although he was born in a Christian home and had been a church-going boy, he had never truly accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
Paul Joseph used to hang out with friends in bars, drinking, smoking, and gambling. Because he was giving into addiction, his church saw him as a young person who was wasting away. But when he started coming to the Sports Friends basketball program I coach, I saw God perform a miracle in his life.
Through the study of God’s Word, prayer, and encouragement from myself and other Sports Friends staff, Paul Joseph’s life began to change. The change was not dramatic – it was very slow at first, but surely God was at work in his life and those of us discipling him continued to walk the long road of obedience. Without going to a rehabilitation home, his addictions were eventually broken through the power of God.
Today, Paul Joseph is making a huge contribution to sports ministry in terms of ideas, strategies, and commitment.
He is now back to his church and fully committed as a believer. He is also coaching the church school basketball team.
Praise God for this life transformed!
Sports Friends hopes to train 1,000 more coaches like Solomon and Paul Joseph in 2015. Would you consider helping us launch one or more of these servant-hearted individuals? Learn more on our 2014 Coaches Campaign website.