Ongoing and Sustainable Ministry in Kenya

Aug 28, 2013 | Sports Friends Africa, Sports Friends Kenya


By John Smith, SF Kenya

Keeping any church ministry moving forward long term takes commitment from many different parts of the church. Sports Friends has been doing ministry in Kenya for about two and a half years now, and already we have a few examples of ongoing and sustainable church-centered sports ministry. Take a look at Coach Martin and the work he is involved in a rural part of coastal Kenya.

DSC03062bFrom the beginning, Coach Martin partnered with his local pastor as he started using a ball to work with the young people from his community.  They then recruited other leaders from the church to help run the soccer teams and organized a team of people who committed to praying for the ministry.  At one of their recent camps, the whole church got involved in hosting the camp for the youth of their own church and also from five other churches in the area.  The ladies gathered firewood and cooked for the campers, while others in the church helped organize the games and lessons.  What a gift to see the body of Christ working together to reach out to these youth!

DSC02201bWhat’s great about sports ministry is that it also develops sustainable leadership in the players. Coach Martin had his team start working together from the beginning to clear their playing field out of the surrounding bush.  Balls were still easily punctured from the thorn trees, so they needed funds to keep the ball repaired and to purchase new equipment.  They began a farming project growing watermelons, and then they took over a bee keeping project that the church had started, and now they are able to sell honey to help with the expenses of keeping the sports ministry going! These times of working together also give Coach Martin opportunities to teach his players about the things of God.

Pray with us that the Lord will bring up many more young men and women like Martin throughout the churches of coastal and northern Kenya who will have a heart for young people and will be committed to a long-term ministry that encourages young people to come to Christ and to mature in their faith becoming disciples of Christ!