By Lindsay Geverink, SF Peru

Why do you do what you do? No, I’m not asking what your job is or what it entails. I’m not asking where you got your degree or how you manage your work. I’m not even asking what church ministries you’re involved in and all the activities included.

WHY do you do it?

This has been a question that has been a great challenge to honestly answer since so many times we DO a lot of things. We stay busy, we have a routine, we’re involved in church activities. SF sports ministers meet with their kids weekly, they have soccer practice, they visit homes, and they meet in prayer groups. There is a lot to explain in their “what.”


However, when we look at God’s Word, we consistently see in His Gospel that Jesus was compelled to by a strong purpose: love for His Father and desire to do His will. He certainly accomplished many things, but they were never His goal or on His checklist. Obeying His Father was #1.

SF Peru also desires to not just have a laundry list of things to do, but to honor and glorify God and follow Him, not pursue our own ideas and desires. Here’s what some of our coaches said when asked, “Why are you dedicating time to minister to youth through sports ministry?”


Megan: Playing a sport as a kid taught me so many life lessons and my coaches were hugely influential for my life. To be able to invest both in the kids’ sports ability and more importantly in who they are as people is a passion of mine. Sports are fun and easy way to invest in young people for Christ!!


Edgar: God used sports in my life to restore me and bring me to serving Him, and has now allowed me to lead in doing the same for others. I desire for the youth to KNOW God and to see His love reflected in me.

Andrea: It allows me to share the Gospel and see kids’ lives transformed.

Jhon: Sports are something to enjoy and are the mode by which we can strategically approach youth, bring them the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then help them grow in their love for Christ and in their faith.


Aaron: God is the absolute most important part of our lives and sports gives us access to spend a ton of time with the kids, reflect Christ’s love and allow the players and their families to see God in a tangible way.

Our hearts and minds so often get distracted and taken off course that it’s easy to set our sights on our own plans and schedules. Please pray that as a SF Peru ministry, we would have our sights set heavenward, be compelled by God’s love, and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us!